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Dorferneuerungsverein Mauer - Friends of the Romans


Follow the foodsteps of the ancient wall of the Roman origens

A fascinating journey through time awaits you into antiquity with insights into Roman life - from the everyday life of the soldiers to the impressive architecture of the fort in Mauer.

50 min walking time. Easy walk.

uploaded 17.07.2024
Village Renewal Association Dolichenus Mauer

The Village Renewal Association Dolichenus Mauer (VRADM)  aims to realise the common cultural and social interests of the local population of Mauer. The association is non-partisan and focusses on shaping the townscape and improving the quality of life in the town through social, cultural, economic and ecological measures.

The VRADM is named after one of the most valuable finds in Austria: The statuette of Jupiter Dolichenus on the bull, found in Mauer in 1937. It was dedicated by a veteran named Marrius Ursinus from the 2nd or 3rd century. 



It has set itself the goal of filling both the town centre and the everyday life of all the inhabitants of Mauer with life. In addition to various activities, this Roman path was initiated to make the identity of Mauer visible and an active experience. The association invites all residents and visitors to walk along this path calles "Murus path" and to learn more about the town's historical past.

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Mappe Römerweg.jpg
Stations Murus Path

1. Starting point on the main square

This is where your journey into ancient Mauer begins. You will also receive information about the Dolichenus Fountain and the work of the Village Renewal Association Dolichenus Mauer of the same name.

2. Burial ground east

How did the Romans bury their dead? Find out details about grave goods and gravestones. Murus explains his favourite game "dies et nox". 


The Castellum

Here you can discover artefacts from Roman times up close. At the viewpoint you can observe the historical development of Mauer. 

Please book in advance for a tour inside: Mauer-Greinsfurth local council.

Tel.: +43 - 7472 - 601 372


3. Cemetery south

At today's "Dolichenus School", you can find out more about the Roman school system. Murus also explains the Roman number system. 


4. Roman troops in Austria

At the old oak tree, you have a wonderful view of the village of Mauer and can also see where the Roman fort was located. In the video, Murus shows you which of his large and small dog friends were popular with the Romans. 


5. The Mauer fort

Here you can find out more background information about the fort in Mauer and the exciting question of its name.You can also immerse yourself interactively in the fort using your smartphone.


Roman bread at bakery Seeberger

Every Friday you can get the delicious Roman bread here, which also supports the work of our association!


6. Jupiter Dolichenus

At this station, the treasure takes centre stage that gave the association and the fountain its name. You can also view the finds digitally and, in addition, find out which of Murus' descendants are scientifically descendants of Murus go on a scientific "treasure hunt".


7. Everyday life in the camp

What did the everyday life of a Roman soldier look like? What components did his armour have and what weapons did he carry? This station answers these exciting questions. 


8. The Roman garden

Finally, it gets culinary: What did Roman cuisine consist of? 

What were their favourite ingredients?

With Murus' favourite recipe you can also cook a dish yourself.

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Mauer 2024 Römer Marker - IMG_5629_edite
Salve. I am Murus ...

Salve, I am Murus! Follow me on this path to my favourite places and learn more about the interesting life of the Romans here in Mauer.

AR Marker

Augmented Reality

In addition to further information about the locations, a tricky puzzle rally awaits you!

3-D View  of roman fort

Have a look of the ancient fort of Mauer

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Mauer 2024 Römer Fibeln und Münzen.jpg

City Council Amstetten

Mauer is a district of the town of Amstetten, a district town in the western part of the federal Lower Austria, so called Mostviertel, and the administrative and economic centre of the alpine foothills and the Mostviertel. The municipality of Amstetten benefits from the interaction between the neighbourhoods of Mauer-Greinsfurth, Preinsbach, Ulmerfeld-Hausmening-Neufurth and the town centre of Amstetten. 

I am very pleased that Mauer has joined the provincial Village Renewal Programme parallel to the Urban Renewal Programme of Amstetten.
The great co-operation of the people of Mauer and the very committed Village Renewal Association Dolichenus Mauer are remarkable. 
The present mission statement includes a vision, key objectives and project ideas for Mauer, which were developed together with the residents under the moderation of NÖ-Lower Austria Regional. 

We now have a plan for the next 10 to 20 years and will make all efforts to concretise and gradually implement the projects. 
To do this, we need the co-operation of the population, the Village Renewal Association Dolichenus Mauer and also ensuring the securing of financial resources.  This mission statement has created a vision for Mauer that will gradually become reality and increase the quality of life despite the challenging times!


Of particular relevance for Mauer is the reappraisal and visualisation of its history, which will have an identity-forming effect on the population. The development of the mission statement was already an important milestone. Intensive work is now underway on project development and realisation in order to make the success of these efforts visible. 

Here, too, the population is called upon to participate in the individual projects.


My special thanks go to the chairman of the Dolichenus Mauer village renewal association, Otto Hinterholzer and his team, the village head Manuel Scherscher and his team as well as all the all the citizens of Mauer who have been involved so far and to those who will help to realise concrete projects in the future!

Together for Mauer!

Mag. Dr. Niklas Rafetseder
Parts of the Murus contents:
BRG Waidhofen an der Ybbs


Responsible for the content

Village Renewal Association Dolichenus Mauer (Dorferneuerung Dolichenus Mauer, Verein)
Note on the interactive content
You will need a smartphone that is no more than 5 years old with a current web browser
(ideally Google Chrome). Deactivate the energy-saving mode of your device if necessary
and scan the respective QR codes at the stations.
Marker für AR-Contents
Augmented Reality
Image Captions
Above: Station 6 shows you the highlights of the Dolichenus find.
Below: Station 5 is all about the fort at Mauer.
This translation was done with AI (
This Website belongs to JULIJA MAJOR, a Member of the Village Renewal Association Dolichenus Mauer.
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